Post on 7:01 am , February 23, 2018 by Rafael Airconditioning

AC repair Doral

It really feels absolutely disappointing when you turn ON your AC unit after having worked for long hours and you find that the AC system is smelling so bad as soon as it turns ON. This is something which is frustrating and make you irritated. Right! Even if your air conditioner is rendering cool air you can’t even think of having that breeze because of the odor that is being transferred through the air. Sounds great if this odor lasts up to few minutes, but at the same time sounds really disgusting if it lasts till you are letting the AC machine to remain ON. Well! Not to worry, it happens and there are several issues which give rise to the odor in the air conditioner. If you really get sick of having the odor in your air conditioner, then read the blog as AC repair Doral is making you aware of the reasons that why your AC machine smells so bad at times.

Post on 5:53 am , February 16, 2018 by Rafael Airconditioning

AC Repair Miami Gardens

What’s new? A buzzing thought that always keep occupied your mind when it comes to give your best to the best place in the world your home, which isn’t just a shelter but a lot more than that just being a shelter. You might have given a twist to your furniture, crockery, kitchen or just revised your interiors, but what extra effort do you require in order to stay as comfortable as possible in your home all through the year. Now, this is something to really think for as many of you might have always favoured to have the latest and modern gadgets and appliances and machines to cater your needs so that you can stay relaxingly. Well! No need to stress over your mind as you will come to know by reading the blog below. The AC repair Miami Gardens is a company that always talks about repairing and keeping the maintenance of the AC units upgraded to have a better quality of life, but here in this blog, it will focus on some other new and revised ways to make your living even smarter than before.

Post on 9:05 am , February 9, 2018 by Rafael Airconditioning

Dust Free Home

Frequent cleaning of homes isn’t the right way to make home free from dust, in fact, there needs to figure out the exact solution for this problem. No matter how well you keep on wondering about from where does this dust come from, you will run out of your thoughts, but will not be able to get the exact answer, so wasting time in thinking about the invasion of dust is useless rather finding remedies to make dust out of your house is fruitful. Not to worry, AC repair Miami will guide you through few tips that will surely let the home stay away from getting dirtier now and then.

Post on 7:43 am , February 2, 2018 by Rafael Airconditioning

Air Duct Cleaning

Having air ducts cleaned is an uttermost requirement of any household which has a high consumption of air conditioning air especially in summers because the quality of indoor air largely depends on how well you have kept the inside cleaning of the air ducts as they are the medium through which air supply gets circulated all around the house. Though you must have initiated air duct cleaning sessions in your house many times earlier, but do you know about the air duct cleaning techniques that are employed for cleaning purposes. If you haven’t heard about the techniques yet, then don’t panic as air duct cleaning Miami has unfolded about those techniques here in this blog.

Post on 7:50 am , January 25, 2018 by Rafael Airconditioning

HVAC Repair Service Miami

No matter whether the holiday season or festive season is up or not, we want one or the other reason to come up with some dynamic ideas to throw a party or arranging a small celebration with friends or family. There are a variety of things to do if you are hosting a party or a get together such as decoration, food, beverages, music, return gifts and making the environment absolutely lovable and relaxing, but if you are invited as a guest then one of the most struggling things to think is to what gift to gift a friend so that it looks both thoughtful and useful. Isn’t it? Again, you think of same old regular gift items which everybody does get on every occasion, but giving something really resourceful is a gesture which is remembered by your friend for a considerable period of time. So keeping this in consideration, HVAC repair Miami would like to suggest you to think of gifting HVAC accessories which surely will be found a practical and resourceful gift for your friend.

Post on 10:01 am , January 19, 2018 by Rafael Airconditioning

AC Repair North Miami Beach

Everybody talks about repairs and maintenance and runs towards achieving the best quality of services from their air conditioner machines or HVAC machines, but nobody realizes that even if the functionality of machines always remain your primary concern, you still won’t be able to get the desired comforts until and unless you improve other ways of getting comforts both during the day and night. Moving further in this discussion, AC repair North Miami Beach has taken an initiative on highlighting few ways through which you can avail the chances of improving quality sleep during nights as this remains one of the major factors towards removing the discomforts.

Post on 6:44 am , January 5, 2018 by Rafael Airconditioning

Heat Pump Repair Miami

Well! Who wouldn’t feel happy enough to have a good amount of saving done even during holidays? Yes! Everybody would feel happy and satisfied! No matter for what purpose you actually require money, but it all can be used for a variety of purposes such as gifts, decorations, clothing, furniture etc. How about saving money through electricity bills? How about learning ways to actually reduce the power consumption on our heat pumps or HVAC units during the winters? No need to puzzle yourself as heat pump repair Miami is unfolding few easy yet beneficial ways to actually help in reducing electricity bills.

Lower Thermostat

Usually, during the holidays there are several activities that happen at home, which fosters in making the home hotter. With a scenario like this, don’t you think it is good to lower the thermostat reading to a few degrees and making everyone even more comfortable? The lowering of the thermostat can actually help you in reducing the electricity bills and thus making you save money.

Open Up The Curtains

Though it sounds a bit weird to actually say that open up the curtains in winters because of the cold and chilly weather outside, but it is not always so as the sun’s rays during the daytime can help you fetching the heat in your home and thus can make the home warm and provide you a comfortable atmosphere at least during the daytime. Make sure that you don’t keep the curtains opened during the night.

Post on 6:56 am , December 15, 2017 by Rafael Airconditioning

AC Repair Service Fort Lauderdale

Nobody wants a faulty air conditioner at home or at the office, everybody is interested in having peaceful summer days that make you work peacefully without any disturbances. However, this doesn’t always happen as sometimes the irregular maintenance or sometimes the ignorance of AC repairs lets the AC system to attain inconsistent state which eventually makes you feel uncomfortable and uneasy. The untimely maintenance will not only make the inside atmosphere humid, but also your AC unit has to bear a lot of pressure in order to work harder for maintaining the desired temperature inside. So, to avoid such situations, AC repair Fort Lauderdale has mentioned few malfunctions which, if you notice while the unit is functioning then you should immediately get a repair session done.

Post on 5:57 am , December 8, 2017 by Rafael Airconditioning

Air Duct Cleaning Miami

Not only any particular type of household, but all households definitely need a duct cleaning session. The duct cleaning session helps in improving the quality of air and reducing the possibility of making air contaminated with dust and debris. Many house owners do take this thing seriously and allow duct cleaning session every once in a month or so, but still there are certain careless house owners who are not even aware of how the ducts in their house are functioning or nor they even try to check about the condition of the ducts. So, here in this blog air duct cleaning Miami has mentioned a few points if seen in any household, then that household is in urgent need of duct cleaning.

Post on 9:16 am , December 1, 2017 by Rafael Airconditioning

AC Repair Miami Beach

Having an air conditioner gone in a faulty state makes life irresistible and slow, especially in a hot and humid summer and make everything disturbed and chaotic. Usually what happens that most of the house owners think that replacing or installing a new AC unit could solve the problem and will not make them suffer unnecessarily in the scorching heat, but this is not true because even if you get a new AC system and don’t take care of it then also it will make you suffer. So, in order to avoid such situation, it’s always recommended to stay careful and follow a few points that can help to prolong the life of the AC unit. For better understanding, read it further as AC repair Miami Beach has highlighted few such points that can help in extending the life of the machine.