Practice Social Distancing During Corona Virus

The whole world has come to a halt and everybody is curious to know about how to get rid of Corona virus. The government and people around the world taking measures to stop this deadly virus to spread. And coming up with measures in order to secure its population. In a scenario like this, health officials in the USA are also working their best to secure its people. For which they asked the Americans to practice social distancing.

The schools, offices, bars, restaurants and multiplexes all are closed and sporting events are being cancelled. Though life without social interaction could be boring and tiring. But this what is the only key which can keep you safe from Corona virus. Now what is social distancing and how to do it right? Well! Nothing to worry as here you can come to know as AC repair Miami service has listed few special things about social distancing.

What is Social Distancing?

Well! It is a refined way of saying that you need to avoid people and shouldn’t come in close contact with them. This clearly means that there is no need to gather in public gatherings. No public meetings and avoiding the places where there is a chance of meeting with a large number of people. Maintaining a 6 foot distance is highly recommended.

Why should you Practice Social Distancing?

Now already it has become too late to stop Corona virus from spreading in the USA. But practicing social distancing can help in avoiding it to jump from person to another. The social distancing can to some extent help in lessening down the cases of infections until vaccines arrive. Also, it can help the doctors not to be swamped by a lot of patients.

Why Social Distancing so Effective?

Experts say that one person who has a corona virus infection can infect another 3.3 people on an average. So if the number of the infected people is higher, then the virus will spread faster. With the help of social distancing, several factors can come in control. Hence, this in turn will reduce the reproductive number and slow the spread of the virus. So that’s why social distancing is effective.