A Short Guide on MERV Air Filter Rating

The right air filters can improve a lot on the indoor air quality and the best way to work your cooling and heating unit in the right way. The air filters play a great role in stopping the contamination from entering into your house. They help in filtering out the air and give us a cool air supply. But the problem is not with the picking the air filter. The problem is picking the right air filters for your air conditioning system. There are so many brands, ratings and types of air filters in the market. But choosing the right air filter is the only way through which you can serve the purpose. So for your benefit, AC repair Miami Beach has suggested you to go for MERV rating filters. Read the blog below and learn more about MERV ratings before you scratch head about what is MERV.

What is MERV Rating?

MERV stands for Minimum efficiency reporting value. It is a scale for filtration measurement set by the American Society of Heating and Refrigeration and air conditioning engineers. The MERV rating ranges from 1 to 16, meaning that 1 is at the low number while 16 is at the high number. These ratings are generally applicable for regular households and for regular air conditioning units.

More about MERV Ratings

The filter can block even the smallest particle and MERV can measure that as well. The measurements measures in microns or micrometers. More about MERV ratings are given below.

MERV 1 to 6

This rating falls for those air filters which are low air filters and can block contaminants 10 microns or bigger. Reusable filters often fall in this category.

MERV 7 to 13

This is the minimum rating applicable and suggested for regular household air conditioning systems. These filters with these ratings are capable of removing particles of even mold and mildew and also smoke particles. The air filters of this rating are even powerful to block some harmful bacteria from entering into your household.