Why does HVAC Filter Gets Dirty?

The HVAC is a resourceful machine and works at its best in order to give you all the comforts that are needed by the house owners in all seasons. When HVAC works so hard then it is obvious for its filter to get dirty. The HVAC filter gets clogged up with dust and dirt and become filthy over time for which you should get the replacement done at regular intervals of time. But have you ever realized that why does HVAC filter gets dirty so soon? Well! If you haven’t thought about it then worry not as here HVAC repair Miami has mentioned few causes that lets the filter to get dirty.

FAN is set to the ON state

The thermostat has two settings for the FAN one is ON and the other is AUTO. So if the FAN is set to AUTO mode, then it will run only when the HVAC will run, but if it is set to ON mode, then the fHVACan will be running all the time and pass the air through the filter and thus filter will eventually become dirty.

Pets at Home

Well! If you have pets at home, then you should be ready of having your filters get dirty every now and then. As pets carry dust particles from outside thus polluting the environment inside and eventually make the filters dusty. So to overcome this issue, it is quite important to keep pets clean and brush them as often as required to keep the dust away from them and from the HVAC filters.

Ducts are Leaked

Now another cause of the HVAC filters getting stuck with dust is because of the ducts which have leaks or holes. When you have a ductwork system having leaks, then the dust and dirt from the attic could be transferred into the ductwork system and thus cause the filters to catch it. So, for situations like this, it’s good to call a professional from HVAC repair Miami service and get the leaks and holes sealed properly.